A personal Palm Sunday

Some 2000 years ago, Jesus rode into Jerusalem, on the back of a donkey.  He did that intentionally. Kings, and Roman military leaders, rode horses – a symbol of worldly power and authority. Jesus’ power and presence is NOT of this world.

Jesus came to serve, heal, encourage, teach, and lead the people of our world, into a new way of living; a new way of being in relationship together, based on the foundation of “the greatest commandments”:  Love God. And Love each other, the way you love yourself!

There’s nothing wrong with loving yourself… as long as it’s a healthy, strengthening and encouraging love, led and empowered by the presence and guidance of God’s Holy Spirit at work in and through your life. With that level of “love of self”, you’re empowered to repent when you find you’ve made an error, seek forgiveness from God, self and others, choose to undo the damage of your errors, and enjoy the blessings of a fresh, new start.

This “foundation” allows us to grow beyond our past, to be freed from the burdens of our past, and to learn to “love” the person that God created us to become.  That love then, empowers us to love others in the same healing, forgiving way. Loving others demonstrates the Love that comes from God, generously poured out on each of us.

We cannot earn that love; we cannot deserve it.  It is available to us as a generous gift, available merely by accepting the gift! Jesus rode into Jerusalem with a new message of Love.  He arrived as a servant, not as a conquering king.

Today, Jesus asks to ride into YOUR heart and life, in a new way.  He brings the same message of Love, healing, hope, encouragement, and a new future.  That future is offered to you as a gift, unconditionally, through God’s Love.

Tomorrow does NOT have to be a repeat of yesterday! Jesus is not entering as a “conqueror” into your life, but rather as a servant/friend, inviting you onto a new journey, a new direction, with a new partner & guide.

As we approach Palm Sunday 2015 tomorrow, open the “gates” of your life… welcome Jesus with joy, celebration, and invitation.  Allow Him to show himself to you in new ways, through the community gathered in His name: Community of Christ.

You can find a welcoming, inviting, safe Community of Christ congregation near you.  We’re found in over 60 nations of the world.  Local congregations can be located here: http://www.cofchrist.org/find-a-congregation

Allow yourself to begin to experience the presence and ministry of the living Jesus on this Palm Sunday.  Let Him change your life in ways you’ve never imagined.  You’ll be amazed!

Come, and journey with Community of Christ, as we work together to change today’s world into God’s Kingdom on Earth, one life at a time!

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